Journey Series

Journey Series

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Section 7 of Life Turned Upside Down: Miss Donna's Story

Life Turned Upside Down
Miss Donna’s Story
Julia Matthews
(section 7)

“Relocation.” Vague answer. Surprised that Keith let me by with it.
“Permanent or temporary one?”
“Good to know. Would hate to have to track you back to . . .”
“London.” I filled the pause in for him.
“London just to bring you back.” Keith winked. “So where you staying at.”
Donna hadn’t considered anyone asking her such a question. Should have, since Seer Diego said I’d find my Mother Earth mate. Had to stick to as much truth as possible or this were-panther would pick up on it.
“Didn’t have one. Trip over was really not planned.”
Keith studied me for a few minutes and then shrugged. “Not a issue any longer. You’re mine and I have a place.”
I almost asked him where, but my panther roared her displeasure of what it saw as disrespecting her mate. So, it went unasked, and let him deal with things from that point on.
Turned out to be the right thing. Next three weeks were more of a whirlwind. Keith lavished me with new clothes, and jewelry. Donna spent every day being a perfect mate to a very strong and upcoming were-panther. Never once did Keith forget that I waited for him at home. Nor did he ever mention whomever he’d been involved with before he and I met. Sort of expected to pick up on some longing for the man, but none every showed up. Keith was truly devoted to, and in love with me, which Keith showed each night.
Our connection was strong and intense. We spent as much time talking about each other and our dreams as we did making love to one another. Keith never once pushed for an explanation of what had really brought me to New York. He even showed interest in how life in London had differed from the way the United States were-panthers lived. There were many, but most were improvements.
Not a day went by, I didn’t desire to tell him what Seer Diego said about our child. I almost did the night that we discussed seer, but his dislike of them halted me. Thankfully, it hadn’t been hard to learn how to hide some of my private thoughts. It helped that Keith didn’t try to read my mind like dad had mom. Keith was a wonderful mate and would make a wonderful father.
He proved that when we made our daughter. Not only did he know we had. He agreed to follow my pride’s tradition of prearranging a mating. Shocked me, because the United States supernatural beings didn’t ahead to this tradition any longer. Keith even agreed for her to go alone. Never once questioning her.
Only thing he did question was about how safe it was to travel by oneself. Not only because being pregnant, but I’d been a bit off kilter for several days. It worried him, but not me. I simply told him that it would be better if I went early in the pregnancy. Keith agreed and made all the arrangements and told me to hurry home, so he could finish spoiling his family.


REMEMBER THIS IS A  a work of fiction. All names, characters and events are from the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual events or person is purely coincidental.

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Copyright © Julia Matthews December 201

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